May, 2021, marks the 10th Anniversary of the founding of LIPA, the Laser Illuminated Projector Association ( LIPA was born out of a perceived need to provide “one voice” to update and rationalize the regulation of digital projectors that would incorporate Lasers, instead of Lamps, as their projected light source.
At the time LIPA was conceived and founded, a number of companies involved in Cinema Projection and companies developing the lasers and laser engines to power them, had already begun doing demonstrations to various future stakeholders, known collectively as “Hollywood”. This group of LIPA Co-Founders wanted to be sure that existing laser safety regulations would not impede the development and commercialization of this new technology.
But the story of Laser Projection began long before LIPA’s founding…so we have invited you all to help recall and complete the story, celebrate the progress and “tell the future” of LIPs.
WHEN: Thursday, May 27th, 2021
- Session 1: 4-6AM NY / 10AM-12PM Brussels / 4-6PM Beijing / 5-7PM Tokyo
- Session 2: 7-9AM San Francisco / 10AM-12PM New York / 4-6PM Brussels
WHY: The goal of these sessions is to inform, recollect, ponder, excite and CELEBRATE what has turned out to be a huge step forward for projection. All of you have made contributions to this massive change in projection illumination – invention, development, forecasting, education, gatekeeping, investing, exhibition – guardians of image quality, economics and safety. Many of you continue to do so!
WHAT: Each session will consist of a two-hour GoToMeeting. Participants are encouraged to participate as they wish – anecdotes, questions, answers, stories, mysteries, clues – all with the goal to more completely inform the group as to what happened, when, how, why and “who dunnit”. The audience will include 10-20 “Pioneers” – many LIPA members, some not – to guide various topics such as:
- When did laser projection start?
- What lasers were used in the early days?
- Were there any products or demos in the 90s?
- What was the impact of the conversion from film to Digital on the development of LIPs?
- Why did it take so long to get from concept to commercialization 1995 – 2014? – Beck and Niven dialog
- What companies Co-founded LIPA? How much was invested to get the regulations right?
- How did the broader financial markets impact (and impede) development and commercialization?
- How were the conversions from film to digital Cinema and the development of LIPs intertwined?
- How did DCI and Hollywood act as guardians of image quality for Digital Cinema
- What impact did 3D have on LIP development?
- What were the biggest Regulatory challenges and how were they overcome?
- What technical breakthroughs enabled development of laser projection?
- What is the current status of LIP vs. LAMP regulation?
- What is the future of LIPA (Current Members speak)
HOW: Any participant can enter the discussion live, send questions in advance ( or send questions (or answers) via the GoToMeeting Chat box. All interested in LIPs are welcome.
Any questions please email us at