RECAP: Development and Metrology of Cinema Screens for Laser Illuminated Projectors – LIPA Technical Webinar

Our recent Tech Webinar, presented by Matt Jahans of Harkness Screens, took a deep dive into the development and testing of a new generation of high gain, “silver” (3D capable) Cinema Screens especially designed for high performance RGB Laser Illuminated Cinema projectors (LIPs).

Some key takeaways from the presentation and Q&A:

The talk focused on high-gain silver screens, required for PLF and large Polarization-3D auditoria. The impact of screen size, image brightness, viewing distance and angle, gain and Half-Angle (HA) were all studied to determine the optimum design for current and future generation RGB laser projectors. Improvements were achieved in both objective, measurable via Speckle Contrast Ratio (SCR%) a relative metric and subjective, that is, human perception “Threshold” performance levels. Screens have been demonstrated at both CinemaCon and CineEurope with positive feedback. The Q&A session surfaced the need for more research and better understanding of the correlation between Projector + Screen SCR% and human perception variability. As brightness and contrast levels increase, increased Speckle mitigation must follow.

You can download Matt’s presentation here and/or view the recorded webinar here. For more information about LIPA, please visit our site at

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